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The CITB offers all CITB registered business across the UK and who are levy paying, access to grants.
Companies must be in the Government scope to be eligible.
CITB provides grants for Level 2 NVQ's, right through to Level 7 (under the Short Period Qualifications) as well as a range of specific 'Short courses'.
These grants are designed to aid the gap in the construction industry however some companies are not aware of this ‘pot’ of money' which is available.
Long Qualifications
Achievement of higher-level qualifications, such as degrees, HNCs and HNDs that take more than a year to complete.
Short Period Qualifications
CITB pays grants for the achievement of approved short-period qualifications focussed on the core construction skills needed across the industry.
Advanced Craft- Scotland Only
Short Courses
You can apply for a grant for the achievement of short courses which last from 3 hours to 29 days and are focused on teaching.
Here are examples of these CITB Grants per candidate:
If your NVQ qualification costs more than the CITB grant, the remainder of the costs can be topped up from Skills and Training Fund, meaning you claim back the full cost of your qualification once completed.
The grants can also be used on short courses which align to approved construction-related standards and are paid for on successful completion and certificate provided as evidence.
The scope within this grant is huge and covers a lot of training courses so it is best to check their comprehensive list on the website.
These are examples of courses and the grants available.
Short Course Grants
Short Period Qualification Grants
There are now also higher amounts paid out to support employers who have supervisors and managers that need to train for a qualification (such as an NVQ).
As above, all CITB registered business across the UK and who are levy paying can access this funding.
The Skills and training fund is designed for you to invest in training and equipment for your workforce and mainly used as a 'top up' fund from the Grant, as long as the below criteria is satisfied:
If a short course costs more than the "Grant" available, you can then use the "Skills and Training Fund" to top up your money, to pay for the rest of the course.
E.g., A course costs £65 per person. The grant is £60 per person, leaving £5 remaining.
The remainder could then be allocated from the Skills and Training Fund.
We would always recommend checking with your local CITB rep before booking on any training as they can help you get the best from both pots of money.
Below is the funding that is available, depending on the number of directly employed employees your company has:
The funding can be applied for twice in 12 months but you can only have 1 live project at a time. It may be possible to claim for courses that have already commenced.
As above, all CITB registered business across the UK and who are levy paying can access this funding.
The CITB Employer Network is funding designed to simplify how construction employers access training and funding and make it easier for you to access training and funding.
This funding also allows for a wide range of training courses to be funded which may not have been funded via the "Grants Scheme".
This is reviewed on a case by case basis by CITB.
As part of the CITB Employer Network you will have a local advisor to support you with your training needs.
You will need to contact CITB to let them know what training you require, and they will organise it for you.
You should also let them know your preferred CITB supplier is Lucelly Consultancy and they will secure the funding for you.
If you have another preferred CITB provider, then can inform
70% of the cost of any NVQ's or training courses that are approved by CITB will be funded.
You will just need to pay us or another provider of your choosing the remaining 30% of the cost.
Unlike the Skills & Training Fund, you don’t need to plan your training up to 12 months in advance. You can simply book your NVQ or training through the Employer Network on an ad-hoc basis.
You can still access other CITB funding on top of the Employer Network funding.
We would suggest speaking to your C
Helping Your Team to Develop and Grow
In order to be eligible to register with CITB, your company must undertake work activity related to construction and it must be listed on the Government's "Scope Order".
You will find a list of all the eligible construction activities on the CITB website.
Once registered, you will be registered for life so please ensure you read their T&Cs before committing.
You can find all information on the Levy on the CITB website.
We would suggest contacting them before you register as the Levy payment may not be for you.
In each area CITB have a regional contact who will support you with understanding the following:
We would suggest contacting them before you book on any training.
The Grants are paid based upon completion of an NVQ or Short Course, and you may be able to claim back qualifications or courses already completed within the past 52 weeks.
There is no cap on the Grants Scheme other than for Plant related courses.
The Skills and Training Fund is to 'top up' your Grant if a short course or NVQ costs more than the Grant. It is also based upon you producing a plan of the qualifications and training you want to complete within the next 12 months. This will be assessed by CITB and if approved, payment will likely come through fairly quickly.
There is, however a cap on the Skills and Training Fund available.
Due to the complexities of the three pots of money, we recommend you speak to your CITB regional representative as they will be able to guide you on getting the most of out of both 'pots of money'.
As a self employed person, you cannot directly claim for the Grants and/or Skills and Training Fund.
However if you subcontract to a CITB registered company, they could, if in agreement claim on your behalf.
They must, however be able to evidence that they have been paying you for works completed. E.g. Provide invoice evidence
Please ensure you speak to your CITB representative for further guidance.
At Lucelly Consultancy we have derived the information on CITB and their services, based upon their website and meetings with their representatives. We take no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or if the registration, levy or funding processes change by CITB.